Home » Annual Leadership Development for Women in Government & SOE’s Conference and Career Expo

Annual Leadership Development for Women in Government & SOE’s Conference and Career Expo

by Media Xpose

“As a male leader, one of the most critical learning elements is how to be better understanding and caring of the people you lead. In the modern workforce, recognition and care are big aspects that are essential to building a successful modern workplace.” https://www.learn2.com/lead-by-gender

In light of the above the 4th Annual Leadership Development for Men Conference and Career Expo is set to take place on 26, 27 & 28 July 2023 at the Gallagher Convention Centre.

This annual platform continues to empower and promote men in their leadership

journey with the assistance of notable men at various levels of leadership who will share their journey. The Leadership Development for Men conference will confidently ensure a diverse and all-inclusive work space. Some of the key discussion points will include the breaking down of common stereotypes on Mental Health, Abuse, Depression and Suicide. 

This year the conference will conduct a half day Soweto Tour that all delegates will

take part in. Key historical sites like Mandela House, Hector Pieterson Square and

Walter Sisulu Square will be visited on the tour to give better insight and

understanding into the rich historical background of Soweto and South Africa at

large. Lunch will be served at Sakhumzi Restaurant on Vilakazi Street.

Diarise the above dates and be part of this amazing platform as a delegate.

To register contact: amrita@intelligencetransferc.co.za

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